ABIR Taskforce to Support Commissioner in Privacy Law Implementation
Chubb Bermuda General Counsel Jim Paugh to Lead Group
ABIR Taskforce to Support Commissioner in Privacy Law Implementation
Chubb Bermuda General Counsel Jim Paugh to Lead Group
HAMILTON, Bermuda, August 20, 2020: The Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers (ABIR) has today announced the formation of the new ABIR Data and Privacy Taskforce (ADAPT) to help ensure Bermuda meets international requirements regarding the use of personal data.
The taskforce, chaired by Jim Paugh, General Counsel of Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd., will work directly with Bermuda’s Privacy Commissioner to facilitate the implementation of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), which sets out how Bermuda-based organisations should handle personal data to protect the rights of Bermudians and compliantly operate in global markets.
ABIR’s Data Privacy Officer-Designee Suzanne Williams-Charles will staff the taskforce and senior privacy officers from each of ABIR’s member companies will participate on the taskforce.
“On behalf of the re/insurance industry in Bermuda, we look forward to world-class implementation of Bermuda’s privacy laws advancing our international market position,” said Albert Benchimol, President and CEO of Axis Capital and Chair of ABIR. “As Bermuda’s leading employers and economic contributors, we are pleased that ABIR will be supporting the Government and helping to lead the way on this important topic for the benefit of Bermuda and Bermudians.”
Alexander White, Bermuda Privacy Commissioner, commented: “It is in the interests of both Bermudians and the companies that operate here that PIPA is implemented carefully and thoughtfully, so that personal data is properly protected. Bermuda has a long tradition as the world’s risk capital, and companies here continue to lead the way in cyber and privacy risk. We look forward to working with ABIR and leveraging the deep expertise of its members, to help ensure the smooth and successful administration of PIPA.”
Specifically, ADAPT will:
- Support the mission and goals of the Privacy Commissioner;
- Provide a two-way communication channel between the Privacy Commissioner and key stakeholder groups;
- Act as a resource and support for the implementation of PIPA;
- Facilitate the education of key stakeholders about PIPA;
- Provide a forum for addressing unique industry issues related to data protection with stakeholder feedback on the likely impact and effectiveness of codes of practice and the administration of PIPA;
- Provide assistance in creating public awareness about PIPA.
Photos: Jim Paugh, Chubb; Commissioner Alexander White, Bermuda Privacy Commissioner; Suzanne Williams-Charles, ABIR
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About ABIR: The Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers (ABIR) represents Bermuda’s major property and casualty insurers and reinsurers doing business in 150 countries. Bermuda is an internationally recognized center of global expertise on underwriting for catastrophe, climate risk and cyber-risk transfer products along with other specialty insurance and reinsurance. For more information, please visit: www.abir.bm. Follow us on Twitter at @ABIR_Bermuda.